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Get Zipographics 1.43

Target Your Customers by Zip Code Demographics Design For : Facbook | Google | Twitter & Bing Ads Systems
Zipographics based on the U.S. Census Bureau updated Data ( Over 41,000 US ZIP codes with details demographics inside! )

Zipographics will tell which zip codes are fit your target demographics. For example, if your product / service is targeting people who earn over $100,000 and live in boston, here’s where you find the exact zip codes that target these characteristics.

You can also sort by Average House Value / Med Income Per Household / Persons Per Household / Median Age Male / Median Age Female White ; Black ; Hispanic ; Asian or Other Population% / Male or Female Population%

Zipographics based on the U.S. Census Bureau updated Data and can sort by exact State or City

U.S. Census Bureau is a true Big Data play. My challenge has been to take epic amounts of the data and ‘map’ it in a way that allows the user to search the platform using logical way and retrieve useful results in return.
