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Get Content Egg WP Plugin 3.2.2 Nulled Free Download

Affiliate Egg 7.6.1

Content Egg 3.2.2 Pro

Content Egg – is a Wrodpress plugin that allows you with just a couple of clicks to add additional content to your posts: images, videos, news, product sampling, messages from social networks and other thematic materials.

Making niche websites – one of the most simple and in the same time effective way to make money online. But how much time do you spend to make your posts valuable for visitors and search engines? Photos, videos, product offerings, text content, manuals, social news – all this makes your resource useful to visitors and attractive to search engines.

Content Egg plugin helps solve many of the problems described above. For example, you write a short article review of the new smartphone, and all the additional content is added automatically by the plugin.




How it works?

On the page of the creating a new post plugin adds sections to search for content:

You just enter a keyword and click “Search”.
Plugin searches and displays the results to you.
Now you can choose what to add to the post and edit the results.
It’s very simple and fast: multiple search and add data directly to the post editing page without reloading the page.
Each unit to search for the content we call “module”. Most modules receive data through official API. Therefore, to start using plugin, you will need to register in some services and set their access keys to the API, and other prefer settings of the modules. Do not worry, we will provide a detailed manual how to do it.

Searching keywords inside post Content Egg admin panel
How content displayed on the blog?

When you save the post, the data of Content Egg modules also stored in the standard custom fields of WordPress. This means that if you wish, you get this information and use it in your custom modules and plugins. But we also offer default output templates for using Content Egg.

The data of plugin can be displaying according to the setting of search module:

Automatically at the beginning of the post;
Automatically at the end of the post;
Manually using a short code to be adding to the post.
When you use shortcode, you can also choose preferred output template. Also, each shortcode has additional settings, like offset.

Importantly, the Content Egg works with any WordPress themes, and with any standard views of blogs or pages.

We have created a set of templates for different modules. For example, for images – this can be gallery or just inserting large pictures with description. But you can easily create your own templates. Templates of modules are similar to conventional WordPress templates – it is a simple html mixed with output variables.

Output template Amazon & Youtube output template
Content modules

The following are examples of content sources with which the plugin works:

Bing images
Flickr photos
Google books
Google images
Google news
Yandex market products and reviews
Twitter feed
VKontakte news
Youtube video
RSS feeds

We are constantly adding new modules. Do you know a good source that is not yet in the plugin? Excellent, propose, implement with joy. Are you programmer? Then you can add new custom modules even yourself.

Flickr module settings Content modules
Affiliate programs

In addition, that Content Egg allows you to quickly find different content, it is also a very effective way to monetize your blog. The plugin allows you add on the blog page sample goods from various stores and monetize clicks through direct affiliate programs or CPA-networks.

Right now in the Content Egg adds the ability to work with affiliate programs:
Amazon Amazon (US, UK, DE, FR, IT,.)
Ebay eBay (including local stores)
Aliexpress Aliexpress (native affiliate program and CPA-network)
Clickbank Clickbank
Zanoz Zanox
CJ Commission Junction (offers & coupons)
Affilinet (offers & coupons)
Linkshare Linkshare
Cityads Cityads
Ozon Ozon
Admitad Admitad
Shareasale Shareasale
Affilitewindow Affilitewindow
Otimisemedia Otimisemedia
Tradedoubler Tradedoubler (offers & coupons)
Flipkart Flipkart

This list will be continually expanded. Watch for updates and offer your favorite programs.
Modules of affiliate programs have flexible options to select only the products with good conversion. For example, for Aliexpress you can specify filters for minimum commission, lowest price, seller rating etc.

Important feature of working with partners is to maintain products up to date. Content Egg automatically makes a search for the new by keyword and update products on the site. In addition, some additional modules are able to monitor the upgrade price and other important characteristics of the goods.

Amazon output template Amazon output template

Content Egg plugin can create sites on autopilot! Everything you need – it’s just setup once autoblogging, type keywords and plugin will find products, images, videos and other content based on your schedule.

Such sites looks good and have good value for visitors. But most important thing – they get good traffic from search engines without any actions. There are some secrets why it so:

Pages are optimizing for keywords, because plugin search and display relevant content.
We create mix from different modules, so, pages are unique.
The main task for you – find good keywords with low competition but with enough product quantity.

You can create sites on different languages, even if you don’t know these languages.

Check our video to see how autoblogging works

Many modules of Content Egg plugin have Multilanguage support. This means that you can make websites in different languages, for example:

Just reminder that the content in a specific language should be in a particular source, which operates the module.
Multilanguage support Multilanguage
Comparison lists of products

Yes. This is also possible for all affiliate program modules. Just choose several products and “list” output template.

Integration with Affiliate Egg

If you have also Affiliate Egg, you can use direct web parsers from AE as modules in Content Egg. Plugin will use search from original site

So, if you enable Affiliate Egg, you will have:

Search on site of web shop and easy adding products to your site from admin panel.
You can work with web shops which don’t have own API or you don’t want to depend on API.
You can use direct search system of original site instead of search from CPA networks which sometimes can be not good.
Parsing of additional data from pages.
Very useful in autoblogging.