Dear Fellow Internet Marketers,

You have stumbled across a tool that myself and a few other people have been using for the past half a year and have been earning LITERALLY over $3,000 daily, some days even pushing $5,000. I’m not going to waste your time here and try to sell you on this thing by giving you the usual garbage, because you all know just how powerful iframing can be. With iframing you can go darkredhat, greyhat, or flat out BlueFart with your CPA offers. You can take a free iPhone offer and crop out the email part and create a more attractive landing page around that offer. Or you can go straight-up black hat and crop that offer and stick that on a website telling them they need to input their email to continue. The possibilities are truly endless with GhostCPA and the amount you can earn with the help of GhostCPA is literally endless. Here is a list of some of the features included with GhostCPA:

Just an overview of some of the features of GhostCPA:
Automatic iFrame rotation built in
Fake the referrer
Blank the referrer
Show the referrer
Show a pop-up message after a form submission
Redirect to another URL after a form submission
Control second page of iframe submits and resize accordingly to keep conversion rates up
Automatic code generation
Manage iframes by campaign
Manage iframes by CPA network
Generate iframe code by campaign (Put 50 iframes in a campaign, will generate code automatically
Access to private sections of GhostCPA forum

When iframing the offer you have access to a control panel that is unrivaled. Some of the features of the control panel are:
iFrame an Offer in under 30 seconds!
iFrame the first page of an offer
iFrame the second page of an offer so conversion rates stay high
Clean crop tool, nothing messy
Photoshop-type crop tool, allowing for easy resizing
Robust control panel shows EXACT width and height of current iframe, useful when you need it to be a certain size
Control panel shows X and Y positioning of iframe on current page

Automatic Code Generation:
ALL code is generated automatically and instantly!
Cross-browser compatible. This means your iframes will work regardless of the browser the visitor is using
Tells you EXACTLY where to put the code
Automatic code generation for fake referring pages, literally just copy and paste
Automatic code generation for campaigns allowing you to generate an UNLIMITED number of iframes automatically
Automatic code generation for iFrame rotating, useful if you want to split test between offers
Automatic frame resizing if cropping second page of the offer, even when in the iframe rotator!

Fake, Blank or Show the Referrer:
Fake the referring page of any iframe you create
Blank the referring page of any iframe you create
Show the referring page of any iframe you create
Change the type of referrer on ANY campaign with the CLICK of a button
All code is generated AUTOMATICALLY
iFrames retain their referring type even when placed in the iframe rotator

Automatic iFrame Rotation
One-Click code generation for hundreds of iframes at once!
View all iframes matched to a campaign and edit them accordingly
Code rotation for iframes within a campaign are generated automatically
Delete iFrames That Belong to Campaigns
Easily add and delete campaigns
Search your iframes by campaign
Create campaign names to yourself

Show popup message on form submission
Show popup message after form submission
Can be used with form redirect feature
Can be used to let user fill out second offer
Can be used to get user to give more information
Automatic Code Generation
Works in iFrame rotation as well

Redirect to new URL on form submission
Redirects user to URL of your choice after form submission
Can be used with form popup feature
Can be used to let user fill out second offer
Can be used to get user to give more information
Automatic Code Generation
Works in iFrame rotation as well

Manage iFrames by Grouping them by CPA Networks
Easily add, edit, and delete CPA networks
Link CPA offers to your CPA networks for easy organization
Delete iframes based upon CPA network
Search your iframes by CPA network
View and modify all iframes based upon the CPA network they belong to
Create notes to yourself about the particular CPA network for reference


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