[GET] Pin Blaster Cracked Pinterest Bot – World’s Best Pinterest Automation Software!

“World’s Best Pinterest Automation Software!”
Automate Your Pinterest Daily Tasks With This Powerful Software!

Pin Blaster Can Do Hours Worth Of Work… Literally in MINUTES!

Searching for images, finding good titles for them, and then pinning each image, one by one on your Pinterest account can take hours and hours. Pin Blaster can do all the above, 100% automatically!

Pin Blaster and the Pin Grabber bonus product will allow you to scrape hundreds of existing images from Pinterest, whether it’s about a great costume, a new game, a great website themes, an awesome amazon product. After you downloaded hundreds of images, you simply hit 1 button and Pin Blaster will Pin all the images on your accounts, in the boards you want.

You can also use spyntax and multiple links, so each Pin has a unique website where the use will be redirected to after he clicks on that Pin.

Save Time
Stop wasting time growing your Pinterest Accounts! What used to take months to do, Pin Blaster will help you do it in days.

Scrape Pinterest Content
The bonus product Pin Grabber will allow you do download thousands of images from Pinterest, based on a keyword, category or account. After you download, upload them automatically on your WP blog.

Pin, Repin And Like
Pinning, liking or repinning was never easier. Scrape the list of pins you want to do actions on, and set and forget. Let Pin Blaster do all the work for you.

Get Followers
Pin Blaster will help you gather an insane amount of followers for your accounts. Start following people, and at the end of the day, automatically unfollow all people who didn’t follow you back.

Multiple Accounts
Pin Blaster can handle as many accounts as you want at a time. You can focus either on one account, or better, focus on tons of accounts. Start boosting your income now!

Proxy Support
When using multiple accounts manually, you need to always change the proxy, clear the cookies and cache. It takes tons and tons of time. Pin Blaster will automatically use proxies for your accounts, clear cookies and cache.

WordPress Content Poster
Mass import images in Pin Blaster, that you can later automatically upload on your WordPress Blog, in various categories. After that, simply pin the new links on Pinterest.

Comment Pins
Nothing increases your Pinterest exposure more than commenting on other people’s Pins. You can mass comment using multiple threads and multiple accounts, all with 1 singe click!

Multiple Repin Links
When repinning, it’s always best to make things look natural. It’s good to use multiple links, or no links at all sometimes. Pin Blaster will take care of this, 100% automatically.


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