Find keywords from your niche!

Get the top videos for your keyword

Steal the keywords they rank for!

Tube Chimp is a unique keyword research tool that not only gets you the similar keywords to the keyword you’ve selected, but also finds you the top ranking videos for the keyword and lets you literally steal the keywords for the top videos. You can see the keywords that a high ranking video is ranking for in Google.
Video keyword research is now monkey business.

Get the keywords that the top videos are targeting and ranking for you!

Get keywords, top videos and the best keywords for the top videos.
Tube Chimp gives you the secret Youtube success ingredient

Get the success formula of the winners and make it work for you.
Ever wondered how do the winners on Youtube make their videos rank?

Tube Chimp lets you ride their success and tag your videos for the right keywords by telling you what keywords the most popular videos are using.
You can get keywords related to the ones you select, and also see the top videos for the keyword.
Get the keywords for the top videos and use those keywords in your own videos to appear higher up in rankings and get assured traffic for your quality vids.
Tube Chimp is easy to use and blazing fast!


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