Web 2.0 Directory plugin provides an ability to build any kind of business directory site: classifieds, events directory, cars, bikes, boats and other vehicles dealers site, pets, real estate portal, wedding site, yellow pages, local directories, listings on the map.
Wordpress directory plugin for any needs.Features of wordpress directory plugin :
Restrict ads by listings levels
PayPal payment gateway including PayPal subscriptions
Stripe payments service
Frontend dashboard for regular users
Invoices management
Sticky and featured listings options
Ability to raise up directory listings – this option may be payment
Ability to renew expired listings – this option may be payment
Ability to upgrade/downgrade listings levels – this option may be payment
5-star ratings for listings
Customizable content fields of different types
Font Awesome icons for custom content fields
Category-based content fields
Order directory listings by content fields
Powerful search by content fields
Icons for categories
Search by categories and locations
SEO friendly – fully compatible with Yoast WordPress SEO plugin
Locations search in radius – results displaying on map
Set up any number of locations for one listing
Google Maps integrated
Custom map markers
YouTube videos attachments for listings
Images AJAX uploading
Contact listing owner form + integration with Contact Form 7 plugin
Bookmarks functionality
‘Print listing’ option
‘Get listing in PDF’ option
Adapted for reCaptcha
Fully customizable and easy in configuration
The plugin uses custom post types and taxonomies
Responsive design based on Twitter Bootstrap
Fully compatible with Visual composer
12 directory shortcodes, including: listings, maps, categories, locations, search box, slider
5 widgets: search widget, categories widget, locations widget, listings widget, social accounts widget
Custom Google Map styles
Fully compatible with WPML plugin
Supports RTL (Right To Left) – layout, functionality, UI widgets
CSV import with ability to import images filesOur new plugin Web 2.0 Google Maps plugin for WordPress: Web 2.0 Google Maps plugin for WordPress
Version 1.12.7
– new setting: restriction of autocomplete address fields for the default country
– new setting: show/hide listings number
– new feature: allow custom contact emails for listings. Users may set up custom contact email for each listing, otherwise messages will be sent directly to authors emails.
– improvement: ability to export listings data including locations fields using WP All Import plugin
– new setting: custom email for notifications to admin and in “From” field
– new feature: notification to author about successful listing approval
– new feature: notification of claim decline
– new feature: notification of paid invoice
– improvement: preset values for search fields, show/hide search fields in search form shortcode. Look at examples http://www.salephpscripts.com/wordpress_…ry-search/
– improvement: ability to import locations and sublocations with listings in CSV file
– improvement: importing rules for addresses was changed. Now import only 2 address fields: address line 1 and address line 2.
– improvement: import images titles with images in CSV file
– improvement: import YouTube videos links in CSV file
– improvement: import link text as well as link URL into website content field in CSV file
– improvement: import opening hours data into content field in CSV fileSP :
https://codecanyon.net/item/web-20-d…dpress/6463373DOWNLOAD LINKS & INSTALLATION :
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