Pinging is very important to secure high rankings on search engines for your blog or your website. Every time you make a new post, or post fresh content on the website don’t forget to ping the search engines and aggregators so that they can come and pick the fresh content.

Pings over 80 networks in seconds

Promote multiple sites at the same time!

Must have tool for every Internet blogger!

Pinger Jeet is a very fast pinging software that you can use to ping search engines and other content websites when you update the content on your blog. Pinging tells the search engines to come collect the fresh content from your blog and it brings your content to the Internet faster. That’s why Pinging is very important and every blogger should ping the search engines whenever she creates new content. Pinger Jeet does the job for you.
“The fastest Pinger on the Internet.”

Big ping list covers all major search engines and blog lists.
Ping all your websites at the same time. Together!
Load your list of websites from text files.
Live updation of the ping queue tells you how fast you’re going and how much work is left.
Easy too use software works on the push of a button.
The fastest pinger on the Internet. Did we tell you that earlier? Yes, it’s the fastest pinger. It saves you time!


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