What the sense of using this plugin ?

I’ll be writing in more detail about this in the quick start guide I’m in the
middle of. In fact I’ll probably use some of the following in the QSG as
well, but here are the cliff notes…

Note #1
The following is worth reading even if you’re not going to buy WP
Indexer. There’s some great info here on the indexing process, and if
you read between the lines it WILL help get your site indexed better
and faster.
Note #2
Below I’m assuming you’ve read through the features of WPI on the
sales page first, as I’ll be referring to many of them here.

Search Marketing Sequence

Google’s been getting better and better at indexing stuff quickly. They used
to take days, but you’re right that if you’ve got a reasonable blog and a
good ping list Google will send a spider out to check out your blog ASAP
(usually in minutes).

There are several stages involved in the average web setup, from a SE POV:

  • Discoverability
  • Indexing
  • Ranking
  • Traffic
  • Conversion

Main vs Supplemental Indexes

So as you know Google’s mostly got #1 down well. But there are 2 types
of index for #2. The main and supplemental indexes.

This is usually what people mean (although they don’t realize it) when they
talk about a sandbox. It’s really the supplemental index.

The difference between the 2 indexes is in the “quantity” of PageRank and
the other names Google gives to it’s similar page traversal algorithms.

So basically it boils down to links. You need a certain amount and quality
of links to get in the main index (hence the perceived sandbox). The good
news is that (as you probably already know) every page can give
PageRank, even ones on your own site. So you can control your own link
reputation to a certain extent by interlinking on your own blog.

Crawl Cycle

Another key to this is the crawl cycle. When you view the Google cache
for a particular page it shows you the “last checked at” time. If you keep
an eye on the periods of time between this date updating for a particular
page you get the crawl cycle. It could be hours, or for many blogs it’s 2-6

When this crawl cycle increases across your blog, Google’s taking more
notice of you. This is great news (and WPI helps a lot with this point)
because I’ve found a higher crawl rate always leads to more traffic in the
long run.

Also there’s a list of quick tips I’ll put in the quick start guide to help with
boosting crawl rate.


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