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Download MainWP With 30 Extensions Nulled – Free WordPress Management Plugin

Self-hosted open source manager for maintaining your WordPress sites from one location.

MainWP Basics

What is MainWP?

MainWP is a suite of open source self-hosted WordPress Management plugins for users that have multiple WordPress sites and want to be able to control them from one central location. This includes sites on different hosts or servers.

What can I do with MainWP?

Once you have connected your sites (called Child sites) to your Dashboard you can do most anything from your MainWP Dashboard that you would be able to do from your Child sites wp-admin.

Isn’t this the same as WordPress Multisite?

No, a WordPress Multisite allows multiple virtual sites to share a single WordPress installation. This means all your sites on the multisite install are on the same server using the same Database and IP. MainWP allows you to connect and control completely independent WordPress sites even those on different hosts and servers.

What makes MainWP different from other similar management solutions?

MainWP is the only open source self hosted WordPress Management Plugin which means you have the ability to review all the code and see exactly what it is doing. View MainWP Code on Github.

Why does that matter?

With Management solutions that are hosted on the developers servers or self-hosted but contain encrypted code you can never truly be sure how that information is being used or even what information about your sites is being gathered.

You’ve mentioned self-hosted a few times what does that mean?

The MainWP Dashboard plugin is hosted on your own WordPress install and not on our private server. We do not keep any information to do with your network of child sites on our servers.

Download MainWP With 30 Extensions Nulled

Won’t Google or my competitors be able to track my sites and know I am using MainWP?

The MainWP plugin contains Network Discovery Protection which hides the MainWP Child plugin folder making it virtually impossible for anyone to know your using MainWP on your Child sites.

Okay, I see why I should use MainWP but how much is it?

MainWP is 100% free and can be used on as many sites as you want, both the Dashboard and Child Plugin are hosted on WordPress .org

How is it free, what’s the catch, how will you continue to pay development costs?

We make money by selling Extensions.

Extensions enhance your MainWP Dashboard with additional features. The catalog of MainWP extensions include additional features for backups, marketing, SEO, maintenance, security, monitoring and other tools to help you build a better network.

1.- Upload the plugins to your site and enable all of them.
2.- If you have access to your account’s CPanel follow the instructions indicated in, don’t add the “Check for available updates” cron job since you don’t want to update.
3.- Don’t try to update the plugins. And Please Share This Post To Help Us!

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