Curious fact: Each day your WordPress website meets hundreds(may be thousands) wp-admin attacks from bots all over the world.(You can make sure about this with log monitoring in your web hosting) They try randomly find your login details and get admin access. Without any configuration, with one single click WP Guaven FP prevents your websites from all of those attacks. And this is only one of 9 features of WP Guaven FP.
WP Guaven Feature Pack is a WordPress plugin that promises unique source code and more secure WordPress site. Made for all and easy to use.
Following are the main features that differentiate Guaven FP:
Hides /wp-admin and /wp-login.php from all visitors and only you can have an access.
Can block wp-admin access even for logged in subscriber users
Removes all WordPress marks from the source code (such as wp, wp-content, wp-admin, wp-includes)
Furnishes your WordPress source code with an absolutely different appearance, as if it is not even developed on a WordPress site.
Removes adminbar as well as the WordPress Meta tags, whereas also can change default jQuery, and customizes wp-login page.
Attention: Guaven FP doesn’t make any change in WordPress Database, WordPress options, or in wp-includes,wp-admin folders,.htaccess file. (Only 7th and 8th features of the plugin needs to make some changes in wp-content folder before enabling, but they are optional features, you choose to use or not to use them) So it is absolutely safe to use. For example if you disable the plugin, old state of your website returns back without any error.
Please, after purchasing first read documentation before using.
Guaven FP supports WordPress Multisite.
Guaven FP works fine with W3 Total Cache and other similiar Cache plugins.
Changelog v 2.4 :
1. Added: XMLRPC attack blocker. 2. Bug fix: catching jquery version problem in some rare cases. 3. Bug fix: Some file permissions problem. 4. Some other improvements.
Demo Guaven FP v2.4 – Protect WP-Admin, Hide WP & Theme Name
Download Guaven FP v2.4 – Protect WP-Admin, Hide WP & Theme Name
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