WooCommerce Extra Product Options v4.3 allows you to create extra price fields on your WooCommerce products. The current version supports check-boxes, radio buttons, select boxes, text-areas, input boxes, upload, date, range picker and color picker.
Options are created locally on the edit product page or globally. For each option you have the option to name it, describe it, choose the order and give an optional price. You can control the placement of the fields you create.
WooCommerce ExtraProduct Options v4.3 Changelog
26.04.2016 version 4.3
Added sortable ability to the tabs on the wizard slider on the back-end.
Added the range picker to the conditional logic.
Added quickview support for Porto and Minishop themes.
Added option to prevent options from being sent to customers.
Added price per row for text-areas.
Added responsive widths for the Items per row setting.
Added settings to allow the visibility of the options on the cart and the order.
Added short-codes to echo the options and totals box.
Added additional price types to exclude n-th chars for the per-char types.
Added setting to choose a different image for the lightbox.
Added setting to have the image replacement inside the label.
Added support for the easyzoom plugin on various themes.
Added two new fee types.
Added setting to allow the plugin to be disabled for specific user roles.
Added setting to allow the enable and disable for rules to be overridden on product level.
Added compatibility with WooCommerce Bookings 1.9x
Fixed compatibility with WooCommerce Composite Products 3.5x
Fixed an issue with the currency plugins when base product price is zero.
Fixed an issue with the currency plugins when using the price type Percent of the original price.
Fixed an issue with the currency plugins when using the price type Percent of the original price + options.
Fixed an issue with fees and currency plugins.
Fixed an issue with the Name your price plugin.
Fixed an issue with the validation.
Fixed image URL when using SSL.
Compatibility with WooCommerce 2.5x
Fees added with the plugin now show the option value as well.