Download UserPro v2.66 – User Profiles with Social Login Nulled
UserPro – A full-featured User Profile & Community WordPress Plugin
offers beautiful front-end user profiles, member directory , login and registration for WordPress , so yes, it is more than just a user profiles plugin.
Create a WordPress Community website with UserPro awesome features like social connect and integration(1 click auto signup / signin) , viral marketing, user badges, file upload, photo uploads with lightbox support, responsive videos, follow / unfollow users, verified accounts, content restriction (private content), frontend publisher, posts by user, public / private Activity Feed.
That’s why UserPro gives you more than frontend profiles and registration system for WordPress , It’s simply an all-in-one plugin!
UserPro v2.66 – User Profiles with Social Login Nulled Changelog
Version 2.66 (25 Mar 2016)
– Enhancement : Admin can set which user role can edit other users profile from frontend.
– Fix Bug : Sign out a user instantly when administrator blocks the user.
– Updated : Updated Isotope version to latest.