Divi v3.0.33 – Elegant Themes WordPress Theme is the smartest, most flexible theme in our collection. With Divi , the sky’s the limit.
The Divi Builder
The Divi Builder allows you to create beautiful and unique layouts visually, without touching a single line of code. The builder gives anyone the ability to create truly dynamic websites with ease.
Pre-made Layouts
Divi ships with 18 pre-made layouts that allow you to quickly jumpstart your development. These are completely customizable and can be used as a great starting point for creating your own designs.
Responsive Design
Divi is wonderfully responsive no matter how you choose to configure your website. Each and every building block will conform to your visitor’s screen, creating the most intuitive browsing experience.
A Building Block Foundation
Divi is built on a strong foundation of powerful features that give you complete creative control over how you build your website. Hover over the different elements in the sample layout below to reveal the building blocks that were use in the creation of the design.
Divi v3.0.33 – Elegant Themes WordPress Theme Changelog
v3.0.33 ( updated 2-6-2017 )
– Fixed a bug that caused icons to change after upgrading to Divi 3.0.32. This change fixes the problem using the only known method, which is to revert the original change. The unfortunately result of this is that anyone who already upgraded to 3.0.32 and fixed their changed icons will have to fix them back once they upgrade to 3.0.33. We apologize for the trouble and suggest using post revisions to quickly restore.
– Fixed issue where Theme Customizer gutter widths overwrote custom row gutter widths, causing some rows to break down to irregular column structures.
– Custom colors set for featured pricing tables will now more reliably overwrite custom base colors for the module.
– Improved slider rendering times and accuracy in the Visual Builder.
– Custom body font will now be aplied to the read more link in the blog module.
* includes/builder/scripts/builder.js
* includes/builder/frontend-builder/assets/css/style.css
* includes/builder/functions.php
* includes/builder/scripts/frontend-builder-scripts.js
* style.css