Extra Product Options v4.0 allows you to create extra price fields on your WooCommerce products. The current version supports checkboxes, radio buttons, select boxes, textareas, input boxes, upload, date, range picker and color picker.
Options are created locally on the edit product page or globally. For each option you have the option to name it, describe it, choose the order and give an optional price. You can control the placement of the fields you create.
05.06.2015 version 4.0.1
Fixed an issue on stock visibility.
Fixed an issue with the date picker that prevent it from working.
Fixed edit Order to include the item value and added delete ability.
Fixed an issue with the styled variations.
Added strings for calendar “Today” and “Done” buttons.
Added internal naming system for builder elements.
02.06.2015 version 4.0
Added ability to edit the options on the order page.
Added support for Yith Quick view plugin.
Added support for Yith Zoom Magnifier plugin.
Added support for venedor quick view.
Added setting to globally auto hide zero prices.
Added setting to allow only specific dates on datepicker.
Added tooltip setting for styled variations.
Added ability to select related image sizes for image replacements.
Added support for themes using the selectric plugin.
Added position setting for showing the value of the range picker.
Added global settings override for builder elements.
Added minimum and maximum values for text fields.
Added minimum characters for text fields.
Added validation features for builder elements.
Added ability to include additional global forms on the product.
Fixed conditional logic on main composite product.
Fixed some issues with woothemes WooCommerce Subscriptions.