Download WP Rocket v2.7.2 Nulled, WP Rocket v2.7.2 Nulled, WP Rocket v2.7.2
WP Rocket Looking for a Faster Website? Thanks to Our Plugin, WordPress has never been so Efficient. Don’t waste your time struggling with complex plugin settings. WP Rocket launches upon activation – minimal configuration, immediate results.
WP Rocket v2.7.2- 17 March, 2016
- Improvement: Don’t apply Lazyload on iframes with the data-no-lazy attribute
- Regression Fix: Compatibility with WP Engine. If you are using WP Rocket 2.7 or 2.7.1 and you are on WP Engine without CDN, please update to this new version now!
- Regression fix: Don’t redirect home paginations to the homepage