Directory Portal WordPress Theme v1.21
First version of our Directory theme was released in January 2013 as an absolutely unique theme concept, first time ever on themeforest. You’re able to easily set up an online directory portal listing categorized items of any type – companies, shops, websites and so on. We’ve spent quite a long time developing the theme as many things were changed several times to make it right.
Theme was continuously updated with new features, it was getting better and better. Over the two years Directory WordPress theme received almost 100 free updates, which is remarkable.
In the beginning of 2015 we started working on new theme update called Directory+. We made a list of our customer requirements and new theme was born. This brand new Directory+ WordPress theme is coming to all our existing Directory customers free of charge.
Directory Portal WordPress Theme v1.21 – 10th of November 2015:
New: Google Street View in Google Map Element
Update: Various updates for upcomming new AIT Languages 2.0 plugin
Fix: Improved compatibility of Advertising Spaces Element vs. Ad blockers
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