Take your online woocommerce store in store using our easy to use and highly customisable pont of sale plugin. developed and designed by actual users(and customers), this plugin has a alot to offer. simply download, install and set your registers, outlets and product grids and you can star selling straght away, blow are demonstrations of clothing store and a gadget store.
*** WooCommerce Point of Sale (POS) v2.4.3 Changelog ***
2015.05.26 – version 2.4.3
* Feature added on tile settings, can decide whether to show image or image and text.
* Feature added on stock quantity indicator when adding products to the register.
* Feature added default shipping method selection.
* Feature added on sorting tiles by custom ordering and many more.
* Feature added where you can decide whether emails should be automatically sent or not when adding new customer.
* Fix bug where tax was still being calculated when disabled.