UPDATED : 05-19-18 – 13:42:09 GMT

This plugin automatically publishes posts from your blog to your Social Network accounts such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+(Google Plus), Blogger, Tumblr, Flickr, LiveJournal, Flipboard, Instagram, Telegram, DreamWidth, Delicious, Diigo, Instapaper, Stumbleupon, LinkedIn, ok.ru, Pinterest, Plurk, VKontakte(VK.com), YouTube, Scoop.It, WordPress, XING etc. The whole process is completely automated.

Just write a new post and either entire post or it’s nicely formatted announcement with backlink will be published to all your configured social networks. You can reach the most audience and tell all your friends, readers and followers about your new post. Plugin works with profiles, business pages, community pages, groups, etc. Messages are 100% customizable and adopted for each network requirements.

Social Auto Poster lets you automatically post all your content to social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Tumblr, BufferApp. The whole process is completely automated. Just write a new post and it will be published to your configured social network account. You can reach the most audience and tell all your friends, readers and followers about your new post.


Here you’ll find the main features that are included in our Social Auto Poster Plugin!

Allow auto-posting new posts to configured social network.
Ability to choose which post type you want to post.
Ability to post content on all your linked Facebook Accounts.
Ability to shorten long URL into a tiny URL.
Schedule your posts to configured social network.
Each Post, Page, or Custom Post Type on your blog have individual settings in Metabox to set different title, account, text, template, link etc.
Unique URL generated each time for wall post to avoid duplicate content error.
A clean & user friendly admin UI to manage everything.
Works for any post, page or custom post type created on your blog.
Works for any E-commerce plugins like WooCommerce, WP-e-Commerce, Easy Digital Downloads or Jigoshop.
100% multilanguage – Social Auto Poster is completely translatable both in front and back-end.
New Features:

Added Custom scheduling feature to schedule your content on all social networks.
Ability to post content on multiple Twitter accounts.
Ability to log all Social Posting Activities into your site database.
Supported Networks:



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