- Name : DigZilla
- Version : 3.1
- OS : Windows/MAC/Linux
- Type : Facebook Ads Tools
- Price :
$200 - Homepage : SalePage
Felt Already Promotions at Online, But Not Persistence Pays ?
We Will Help How You Can Find Promotional Materials (Ad Copy) and RIGHT Targeting for Ads on Facebook with 2 Easy Steps …
The hope is as the name suggests that these tools can dig deeper audience targeting for the purposes of Facebook Ads. Well, is not InsightZilla already there, that digging is how?
For those who’ve Ever Advertise Facebook Ads.
Digging a targeted audience demographics.
What’s demographics? if InsightZilla focus on interest, this time will be broader DigZilla to demographic targeting is an integral part of a more or less covers the following:
What if we know the demographics of the above on a segmented audience with our business? Audience interested in the segment / market our business, it will be very interesting !.
Simply by Digzilla Tools, you can find Postings (FACEBOOK Ads Ads) The competitor or the products are the same as your product, by posting a “Sell” with a lot of interaction on Ad Postings products. With Dig Tools Zilla you can generate, Target Market like what the heck is in Target by the Advertiser (Competitors). If you already know what the target is used to advertise, you can Tiru start Copy and Demographics Audience Ads used, let ga need to Split Test.