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Get Views UP BOT 2016 v3.0.2.0 Professional

Views UP BOT 2016 v3.0.2.0 Professional

This BOT software Allows you to artificially Increase the visits of any existing website, any counter, both with a simple refresh, both obscuring the ip proxy server using a database containing, for systems using the count visists by IP.

This BOT allows you to change the User Agent of browser (Ex: Browser, Mobile Browser, Crawler, Console, etc..) for each visit generated by a collection of +4200 different user agent, and change resolution based on the user agent in use, is possible to zoom in and out on the browser page for each views, and removing all files like cookies, cache, history, and everything else… automatically.

This bot can generate traffic direct on multiple URLs at the same time thanks to a Multi URL system.
