- Name : Hide My WP
- Version : 5.5.1
- Type : Sercurity Plugin
- Price :
$22 - Homepage : SalePage
Hide My WP control access to PHP files. It protects your site from almost 90% of SQL-Injection and XSS attacks caused by direct access to PHP files. This means you can install unsafe plugins without worry about security. You know hackers, spammers and bots all love WordPress, too with Hide My WP they can’t recognize (or access to) WordPress and simply ignore you!
- The magic starts now. But before it stick in your mind we don’t change any file or folder and everything is in its default location! we just control access to it and this guarantees maximum compatibility for the plugin.
- Hide wp-login.php
- Hide or change wp-admin and all of its files (for untrusted users)
- Change WordPress theme directory, remove theme Info from stylesheet, replace default WP classes and finally minify it!
- Change plugins directory and hash plugins name
- Change upload URL, wp-includes folder, AJAX URL, etc.
- Change WordPress queries URL
- Change or disable feeds
- Hide all other WordPress files!
- Disable WordPress archives, categories, tags, pages, posts, etc
- Continue reading there’s still more!
- Easily replace any words in your html output file!
- Notify you when someone is mousing about your WordPress site (included with visitor details like IP, user agent, referrer and even username!)
- Compress html output and remove comments in source code
- Remove WordPress meta Info from header and feeds
- Change default WordPress email sender
- Custom 404 page!
- Remove unnecessary menu classes
- Clean up body classes