WP RSS Aggregator is the original and best plugin for importing, merging and displaying RSS and Atom feeds on your WordPress site. It’s the most comprehensive and elegant RSS feed solution for WordPress.

With this free core version of WP RSS Aggregator you’ll be able to aggregate as many RSS feeds from as many sources as you’d like. Using the shortcodes you can then display the imported feed items from one or more sources directly on your website.

Highlighted Features
Set a name for each feed source.
Import any number of feed items from multiple RSS Feeds.
Display feed items using the shortcodes or by calling the display function from within your theme.
Limit the age of the feed items stored in the database.
Set the number of feed items per feed source that you want to show and store.
Set the pagination for the displayed feed items.
Set a general feed import time interval.
Schedule feed imports for each individual feed source.
Choose whether to show/hide feed sources and dates, and set the date format.
Set the links as no-follow or not, or add no follow to the meta tag.
Customise the output using various shortcode parameters.
Set the open link behaviour (lightbox, new window or current window).
Opens YouTube, DailyMotion and Vimeo videos directly.
Export a custom RSS feed based on your feed sources.
Extendable via action and filter hooks.
Incorporates feed auto-discovery, which lets you add feed sources without knowing the exact URL.
Integrated with the Simplepie library that comes with WordPress. This includes RSS 0.91 and RSS 1.0 formats, the popular RSS 2.0 format, Atom etc.
Premium Add-Ons
WP RSS Aggregator also has a number of premium add-ons that add more functionality to the core plugin. They provide the means to create auto-blogging websites, display job listings, import YouTube videos and a lot more. Take a look at our Use Cases and our Showcase for more ideas. Here are the add-ons currently available:

Feed to Post is an advanced importer that lets you import RSS feeds directly into WordPress posts or any other custom post type. You can use it to populate a website in minutes (autoblog). This is the most popular and feature-filled extension.
Keyword Filtering filters the feed items to be imported based on keywords, key phrases or tags, so you only get the items you’re interested in.
Excerpts & Thumbnails displays an excerpt and thumbnail image (taken from within the RSS feed) together with the title, date and source of each feed item.
Categories categorises your feed sources and allows you to display feed items from a particular category within your site using the shortcode parameters.
Full Text RSS Feeds adds connectivity to our Full Text Premium service, which allows you to import the full post content for an unlimited number of feed items per feed source, even when the feed itself doesn’t provide it. (Requires Feed to Post)
WordAi allows you to take an RSS feed and turn it into new content that is both completely unique and completely readable. (Requires Feed to Post and a WordAi account)
SpinnerChief is an extension for Feed to Post that allows you to integrate the SpinnerChief article spinner so that the imported content is both completely unique and completely readable.
Widget adds a widget to your website that displays the imported feed items. It can also display excerpts and thumbnail images when used in conjunction with the Excerpts & Thumbnails add-on.


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