Additional Resources:
You don’t need anything else, and there are certainly no upsells
here. But since people ask me about these things all the time, I figured
I’d include them for your information:1. Kinstant Formatter – Get all your Kindle books formatted easily and in under a minute. (It’s a HUGE pain otherwise!)
2. The Ultimate Kindle Course – This is the Kindle “bible” I created. It basically walks you through everything you need to know, in depth, about Kindle.
All of the basics are inside KinstantDashboard. And if you want in depth training, you can find it in TUKC.
3. 6 Figure Kindle Club
– This is a $1 trial link to some Kindle training that my friends Ryan
Lee and Emran put out. It explains how you can do Kindle forecasting and
make a big profit. Emran just made a book for $50 and made $4k on it
just last month.DOWNLOAD LINK :
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