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20 Websites That Will Make You A Better Blogger

Hello Everyone,

Everyone has to constantly educate themselves to keep ahead of the game and to improve their business, because of this I decided to share with you the 20 resources I use to learn, improve and get inspired. There are 1000’s of blogs that talk about blogging and internet entrepreneurship but to be honest, a lot are doing it completely wrong and quite a lot are teaching out of date information that will only slow down your chances of becoming a top blogger.

Websites Teaching Blogging:


Problogger offers all the advice new bloggers will need to improve their newly created blog. With subjects covering almost everything anyone would ever need to know about, there is little reason to use Google to find it.


Copyblogger offers some great tips, tricks and advise on how to write better blog posts, create better blog copy and all in all, a better blog. A definite recommendation for the more advanced blogger taking it up a notch.

How To Make My Blog

They teach everything you need to know about starting your own blog (if my eCourse wasn’t enough) – a great resource for anyone wanting to set up, customize and launch there blog.

WP Beginner

All the WordPress customization tutorials you will need to improve your blog can be found here, a great stop for anyone who just installed their first blog.


Blogussion is run by 16 year old Alex Fraiser and his blog serves differently to most “make money online blogs”. He offers great how to advise to customise and improve your blog as well as offering a great insight into how other blogs make it big.

Daily Blog Tips

Daily blog tips to creating a better blog, covering all the new blogging guidelines, updates and tricks as they come out.

David Risley

A great insight to how a six figure blogger makes money online – sharing tips, advice and news from someone who has been there and done that.

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Blog Design Websites

Smashing Magazine

SmashingMagazine is a great resource for anyone who wants to create a better, more user friend website. Quite often people think design websites are just for designers but I have got my best ideas from looking through them so take advantage of this huge site.


WebDesigerDepot is great for design inspiration and ideas on how to make your blog design unique, which is critical to the success of a business, making it unique to all the other zombie type businesses.

CSS Tricks

The code behind websites is just as important as the design because if you have bad code, you will have a slow website. Something I found out with my first website I built and so learning all the best ways to code and style things is important.

Net Tuts+

Nettuts is a really cool blog, one of the Tutsplus network, owned by Collis Ta’eed. Another great website teaching coding, web development and design tutorials.


WebDesignerWall had some really well in depth content about the creation of websites and resources for making your website. It’s important to learn the process behind building a website so that you can understand how to make it better.

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Website Optimization

UX Booth

UXbooth is run by 4 young web enthusiasts and they teach people how to basically get more out of the reader and make their experience on your website better.


Yoast is run by Joost and he teaches through his blog how to tweak your website to improve you search engine rankings and create a better experience for the reader.

SEO Book

SEO is really important, so many internet marketers say SEO is dead and to not worry about it, that is complete BS. If it wasn’t for search engines, I wouldn’t earn even half of what I do today because my traffic would be so much lower. SEObook has all the tutorials would you need to optimize your website for search engines.


SEOmoz is also another really big SEO website that I use regularly, they offer lots of tools, tips and tutorials for you to use to get better search engine rankings.

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Make Money Online

Quick Sprout

Run by Neil Patel who is one of the top young entrepreneurs and most influential bloggers in the world – shares great advice in large in depth blog posts, covering everything you would need to know!

Dosh Dosh

Although not updated much these days, is a great stop for anyone who wants to make money online include tutorials and tips to making more then you first thought was possible.

Entrepreneurs Journey

Run by Yaro Starak of Blog Mastermind – this blog is a great read and includes everything from when he first started out online to where he is now, earning 6 figures a year from blogging and from his membership websites.

Warrior Forum

Warriorforum is basically where all Internet entrepreneurs hang out,  including beginners and people who are making 8 figures a year online. I recommend to anyone who wants to make money online to check it out and join in the conversation, can be a great place to find people with similar goals who want to work together.

Blogs To Aspire To Be Like

The below 3 bloggers have all been interviewed by me and for good reason, they are doing some really cool things which others should include in their blogging model.

Marketing With You

The reason I like what Alex is doing is because he’s saying “I’m here to work with you” instead of everyone else saying go do it yourself or come work for me. This approach is really cool and something I try to include in IncomeDiary by making myself really approachable and answering 99% of support emails myself.

Internet Marketing Speed

The next piece of the puzzle is monetization, something James Schamko does very well and something I will be going in depth with in my next blog post. He has no paying advertisers yet his blog earnings a lot more than any other blog in his niche. He is so successful at it because he creates a funnel system with email marketing and has no outgoing links so either you buy something via a affiliate program, sign up for his eCourse or leave his site, giving him a high chance of earning.

Gary Vaynerchuk

Gary gets up here because of his passion for the subjects he talks about, to be successful, you must enjoy what you are doing, even if you make a lot of money, you’re not successful in my eyes if you’re not enjoying it. Provide huge value and enjoy what you do, every blogger should follow that!