Success Online – Creating a Captivating Hook and Irresistible Offer For Your Business
Back in November we had the world’s best email marketer speak at our Info Workshop seminar.
His name is Tyler “Moneyfingers” Bramlett, and boy-oh-boy, did he ever deliver the politically incorrect TRUTH.
Here’s the biggest lesson he shared:
“People Drastically Over-Estimate What They Can Do In One Year Online AND Drastically Under-Estimate What They Can Do In 5 Years!”
Some background…
Tyler joined our Mastermind group three years ago.
In his words, he knew nothing about marketing, but he followed our advice, took massive action, made a lot of mistakes, and discovered one fundamental truth about success online…
…You must learn to create a captivating hook and irresistible offer if you want to be successful at selling.
“If you master the ability to create a captivating hook and irresistible offer,” Tyler said, “Then you will make a LOT of money.”
Tyler’s Rules for a Captivating Hook…
#1 – It Must Be SEXY
#2 – It Must Provoke MASSIVE Curiosity
It must have a strong promise, a quick-&-easy easy solution, and a unique angle.
#3 – It Must Be Congruent With The Bait
Outrageous Example:

This Sentence Provokes Curiosity, Fixes The Target Paid (Women over 40), Quickly and Easily and Puts Product in a Category of One
Use This 7 Question Formula To Determine If Your Hook Is Viable…
1. Who Is Your Target Demographic And What Pain Do They Have??
2. In One Sentence What Is The Big Promise Of Your Offer??
3. Does This Sentence Provoke Curiosity For Your Demographic??
4. Does This Sentence Fix Their Pain??
5. Does This Sentence Fix Their Pain Quickly?
6. Does This Sentence Fix Their Pain Easily?
7. Have You Ever Seen Anyone Else Use This Same Sentence?
Tyler’s Rules for Your Offer
#1 – Your Offer Must Be an Extension of the Hook
#2 – Your Offer Must Appeal to Emotion
Rather Than Focusing On What Your Product Includes, Focus On…
-> What It Will Do For Them
-> Why It Will Work When Everything Else Has Failed
-> Why They Shouldn’t Blame Themselves (They Never Knew This Info)
#3 – Your Offer Must Be Unique
Use This 7 Question Formula To Determine If Your Offer Is Irresistible
1. How Can You Present Your Core Offer An Extension Of Your Hook??
2. How Can You Make It Seem As Though It Wasn’t Your Idea To Create The Offer But Rather Your Duty?
3. How Can You Position The Value To Be 20Xs + More Than Your Price?
4. How Can You Do The “Ron Popeil Price Drop” In Such A Way That “Outside Circumstances” Are Allowing You To Further Discount The Price?
5. How Can You Add Value By Offering “3X Bonuses” That Help People Get Results Faster Or Easier?
6. How Can You Make Your Guarantee Unique And Personal?
7. How Can You Convince Your Customer That You Are THE ONLY PERSON IN THE WORLD With This Solution?
That’s 7-Figure Stuff right there. Thanks Tyler!
At our event, Tyler showed the audience how in the past 6 weeks he had made over $423,731. But Tyler didn’t succeed overnight. He struggled for his first year, just like I did, and just like Bedros Keuilian did. The key to success is…
…fighting through the initial struggles knowing that in 3-5 years from now you will add a ZERO to your revenues.
“The reality is most people underestimate the amount of work they need to do in their first year,” Bedros said in a big sermon to the group, “But those same people set 5-year goals too low. But work and experience operate like compounding interest.”
Real Success Online
“You make the least amount of interest back in the first year when you put money into an investment fund, but if you keep putting the same amount of money in each year and keep that interest rolling back in year after year, the power of compounding interest grows your wealth exponentially faster in year four, five and six.”
“The same principle applies to the knowledge you build in business. When you work your tail off the first year, you’ll find that future business ventures bring faster and easier success than with your first.”
“That’s the learning curve… or what I call the compounding knowledge effect. The harder you work in your first year in business, the faster and easier success comes in the future years. Don’t underestimate where you can be in a few years if you keep working hard and following your mentor’s advice today.”
Bedros is right.
Empires are built on strong foundations.
To build a strong foundation, you have to do the work.
Don’t let a few initial struggles derail you from your big goals and dreams. Just realize that the initial inertia takes a little extra effort to get over, but when you do, you’ll build momentum, and things get easier, and success comes faster.
Right now seems like a good place to “tell you to imagine where you could be in a few years”, but as Bedros and Tyler said, you’d underestimate it. You’d sell yourself short.
So just do this. Commit to doing the work and experience real Success Online.
Make the New Year a year of study, action, commitment, and a “Never Give Up” attitude.
Put in the place a strong foundation, make the investment in your future, and realize that the payoff is right around the corner.
We believe in you.
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Remember – You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.
To Your Online Success Online.
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IncomeDiary is planning to launch a Mastermind Group. To get Early Notification please submit your details below.
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