Free Cracked Nulled Seo Softwares

[GET] Get Links *Exclusive*

A little but very useful tool I made for a client of mine. It communicates with the SEOMoz api and will return up to 1,000 links pointing to a URL. You can optionally specify Do Follow only links if you like or by default it will return all links.

You will need an SEOMoz API ID, this is free and you just need to sign up for a free account and go under API and copy the ID & Key into the form. The first time you will want to hit “Save ID” and this will save the id to the same folder the EXE is in under a file called apikey.txt. This file will pre-populate the fields on load and you will never have to do it again if you don’t change anything.

SEOMoz free api is limited to only returning the first 1,000 results only and they do have rate limiting of once every 10 seconds, but I find you can do it a lot more than that without a problem but this tool it isn’t really an issue. I have a lot of custom tools using the SEOMoz api.

So to summarize, start tool, fill in ID/Secret for your SEOMoz api, chose where you want to save the output file, and pick a url you want to get the links back from and hit run. I recommend you use the www. version and the non-www version if you are checking homepages as you will see different results at times.

You will not see the ID/Key on future loads until you run the bot, but if you have previously saved it don’t bother entering it, it will load automatically.



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