- Name : FPlus
- Version : Pro
- OS : Windows
- Type : Facebook Marketing Tools
- Price :
$100 - Homepage : SalePage
Best way to marketing in Facebook . Auto Post and Marketing Facebook Software
- Facebook message to group : Automatic postings, images Website link up the entire group, on the walls friends.
- Share article : AutoShare all signed, photo album, video, event, webiste link … on the entire group, the walls friends.
- Published on Pages : Automatic posting and sharing articles on the list page by keyword or ID found from the graph search.
- Send a message : Automatically send messages to all members of the group.
- Automatically post to head up comments : Automatic comment and post to head up the group.
- Avoid block : The software automatically stop when warned of Facebook spam.
- Search Graph Search : Search for target customers in a variety of conditions UID output to spam messages.
- Search Page and Group : Search page and contain your target group have a member like page or group.
- Spam comment on articles in Pages & Groups : Spam comments with pictures or links to new articles published in the pages or groups.
- Joins : Find groups by keyword and automatically join the group found.
- Invite to Group : Automatically invite a friend to all of your team.
- Automatically send a friend invitation : Automatically send a friend invitation series suggested by facebook.
Facebook message to group
- Share articles, photos, album, video, page, event …
- Facebook directly emulates multiple photos
- Facebook directly emulates website link, link posts facebook
- Facebook directly emulates status
- Facebook API image
- Facebook API website link
- Facebook API status
- Share articles, photos, album, video, page, event on the walls friends
- Backup photos friends reached the checkpoint image (Tab sign wall Friends)
- Disconnect your series (Tab sign wall Friends)
- Make friends from file uid or suggestions facebook
- Cancellation requests you have sent
- Automatic validation friends
- EM email scanning from the forum website
- EM email scanning from page
- Share articles, photos, albums, videos … on the other page
- Facebook directly emulates multiple photos to other page
- Facebook directly simulator status, website links, links to articles facebook page
- Facebook API pictures, status, links to websites other page
- Invite all your friends like page
- Automatic comment posted up news
- Automatic comment accompanying photos on the other page’s post
- Automatic comment accompanying photos on the post in the group
- Tag membership group on post
- Send a message
- Send a message attached image file uid
- Send your friends list 1 uid
- Send a list of people like or comment on posts
- Send a group member list
- Request joins from uid, Keyword
- Joins with the larger number of members x
- Support for joining the group, invite your nick in the Ad Group
- Automatic left the group has less members
- Block of group admins
Invite to Group
- Invite one or more friends to all your group
- Invite all your friends in your group 1
- Invite friends to join event
Search Graph Search
- Search uid target customers in a variety of conditions such as residence, gender, age, marriage, seen the movie, read a book, have like, a member of the group, came, you shared, are doing, graduated…
- Find UID who like page
- Find ID group has a larger number of members x
- Find ID group and advanced page
Find UID via App
- Find uid friends 1 someone
- Find uid members
- Find uid who like article
- Find uid who has commented articles
- Find uid who has commented links
- Search page id, group Keyword
- Scans email from uid S?T found
- EM email scanning from page
The different functions on FPlusChrome (Set FPlus will FPlus and FPlusChrome)
- Using multiple login multiple nick tab
- Login with proxy
- Using the Chrome browser, fplus use IE
- Log group multiple alternate nick, nick after 20 group transfer, change proxy, reset Dcom
- Comment page rotation many nick, nick transfer 20 page, change proxy, reset Dcom
- Send a message rotational many nick, nick transfer 20 page, change proxy, reset Dcom
- Interaction friends, comment like stauts friends
- Scan UID from email or phone number