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Get Wiki Whisperer 2.1

Wiki Whisperer 2.1

Wiki Whisperer is a tool that I classify as an advanced video marketing tool even though it’s simple to run and understand and has nothing directly to do with videos. In short what it does for us is find ultra powerful backlinks Opportunities. Google loves Wikipedia and if you have direct backlinks from Wikipedia and Google automatically trust and treats you as an authority so it’s for true insiders in video marketing. What the software does for us is gives us domains that have direct links from Wikipedia pages where the domain has expired and can be picked up for the cost of a regular domain.


If you don’t really understand the value of Wikipedia backlinks do a Google search on it. You’ll see that people offer it as a service will charge you from sixty to a hundred dollars per backlink and with the wiki whisper software you’re able to get those backlinks for less than ten dollars plus because you own the domain. You’re able to basically multi-purpose those domain level backlinks on a much larger scale than those services are providing a much higher costs so we’re able to quickly achieve our goals from a video ranking perspective when you’re wanting to rank for a massively hard keyword instead of buying a couple of fiber gigs to get a massive number of garbage backlinks that only helped a little bit spend that ten dollars on a domain and use a single link that provides more power and authority that tens of thousands of those silly little profile backlinks that everyone else is using sort of like having the power of a massive PBN, except at a fraction of the cost and with a lot more instant authority and trust from Google.

Video markers need every edge we can get. The software gives us that edge— get the software and join the ranks of elite video marketer around the world. Together will rule the video marketing landscape. All right now— let’s walk through the software together so that you can see and understand the process. Wiki whisper is not only powerful it’s also good fun to play with I constantly find cool little surprises.

So, let’s walk through everything and I’ll get you up to speed. Your campaign name is your own personal identifier. It allows you to easily pull up results from previous campaign as all of your campaigns are saved into a folder in your documents directory called wiki whisper. Your settings tab this is where your personal settings are entered. The software will not run until all of the fields in the settings are populated with your personal information: your name, your email your MOZ credentials and your license is all that’s needed. Just click the Save button you have two types of search options keywords and metrics. Most beginning level marketers will stick to the keyword version because the software will find available backlinks there in some way related to your keywords. Just enter your keyword into the keyword section and run it. Using the keyword search will always return fewer results than the metrics searched, I’m using the metrics option will get you a broader level of results. This is something more advanced users are going to be more comfortable with since we know that when it comes to wiki backlink it is truly the page authority of the wiki page that is the true driving force for the results that we’re after. When using the metrics option you do not need to enter any keywords. That option doesn’t use keywords at all. As for your domain and page Authority settings, the higher you set any of these numbers, the lower number of results will be retrieved. It is great if you want to be laser targeted on one specific thing, since it does all of the filtering for you on the fly. The downside of filtering is that you can very easily filter out some amazing finds that you have not even thought of before. Personally, I don’t use the little sliders at all. I don’t drink at all online. I’ll leave them all set to a minimum, so it returns the absolute most results. Which of course means I’m presented with a lot more choices. I can’t tell you how many times, I have run across amazing metric sets that I would have never thought of but were amazingly powerful. One other note— there’s a lot going on behind the scenes in the software and it’s using multi-threading extensively because of the multi threading the activity area just can’t keep up. So it might look like at some points the software stuck, but it isn’t just leave it alone and let it keep running as long as there’s a little blue wave the image that’s going on here the software is doing what it’s supposed to do. So I’ll say this again just to be clear, if you think the software is stuck, it isn’t just leave it alone let it do its thing. Now as far as where it’s saving it I’m going to go ahead and open up one that I’ve done before so as you see the software has given me the domain name it’s given me the stats. It’s given me everything that I need in order to make a decision on whether or not I want to buy that domain and use it as a back link. As far as any other settings that this requires that’s all fully covered in the in the official tutorial that you’ll get after you’ve made your purchase.