Get Kindle Samurai 2.02

  • Name : Kindle Samurai
  • Version : 2.02 with SecurityKISS Tunnel
  • OS : Windows
  • Type : Kindle Marketing, Kindle Research, Ebook Marketing, Ebook Research
  • Price : $27
  • Homepage : SalePage

The Kindle Samurai software gives you conclusions about the FIRST PAGE for all of the keywords you send for analysis.
Kindle Samurai makes these conclusions by analyzing the number of books ranking in Amazon Kindle for each keyword,
It takes into account the best rank, the low rank and the average rank in the first page for each keyword.
The software will also analyze the number of books with the keyword in the title within the first page.
It will also analyze the number of books with reviews on the first page and the average price of those books.
With all of this data, Kindle Samurai is able to tell us which specific keywords are making great profits and we can
easily rank for on the first page of Kindle. These are the same conclusions that current best-selling authors can take days
of research to make. The purpose of this software is to uncover the hidden keywords that are easy to rank for on the first
page of Kindle, that are profitable and have TONS of traffic.


Kindle Samurai 2.02[/sociallocker]

1 – Traffic Keyword Finder

For the first time ever you can now have instant access to the same conclusions that takes bestselling authors DAYS of time to get.

Amazon’s Search Suggestions Data
Amazon’s Related Search Data
Google’s Adwords Keyword Tool

You can export this list for further offline analysis or jump right into the running the next steps of the software.
2 – Mass PageOne Conclusions

With this incredible one-click Page One Conclusions tool you can take your keywords and through the software’s Automatic Conclusions tool, find out the specific keywords you can succeed in.

Conclusive Analysis. Kindle Samurai has a built in analyzer that uses parameters that we have set out to draw a conclusion for you as to the profitability of the keyword that you have analyzed and tells you the level of difficulty they have to rank on the first page.This makes choosing keywords brain-dead simple Let the software do all the work for you.

3 – Individual Books

We wanted to make sure that you could also look at each book that is currently ranking on page one for your targeted keyword on the individual level and that you would be able to know exactly what steps to follow to outrank your competition and make crazy organic sales!

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