Get Keyword Classifier 2.91

Keyword Classifier 2.91

  • Name : Keyword Classifier
  • Version : 2.91
  • OS : Windows
  • Type : Keyword Research Tools
  • Price : $29
  • Homepage : SalePage

Keyword Classifier
Templatize Your Keyword Lists
Keyword Classifier is a keyword generation tool that turns your keyword list into a template that can be used to generate thousands of untapped search terms. Find out how it works.
Keyword Classifier is a bulk find and replace keyword classification software that helps you build templated-based keyword lists. Keyword Classifier is primarily used by paid search marketers because it can generate thousands of keywords and help you organize your keyword lists that are scalable and transferable to future paid search campaign builds.


  • 1. Get Keywords : Get keywords from the Google Adwords Keyword Tool, Search Query Reports, Analytics or any other keyword tool.
  • 2. Classify Keywords : Look through your keyword list and begin categorizing words and phrases into common themes.
  • 3. Generate Keywords : Generate keywords using a template and the lists of classified keywords identified from step 2.

Keyword Classifier 2.91
Keyword Classifier 2.91

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