[GET] FacePager – Fetch Public Data From Facebook, Twitter, Youtube & more!

Facepager was made for fetching public available data from Facebook, Twitter and other JSON-based APIs. All data is stored in a SQLite database and may be exported to csv.

Latest Changelog :

new settings: control the number of threads, the maximum speed and filter nodes
fixed pagination-error: paginating twitter results via the “page”-parameter is less error-prone and only aborts till there is no result left
improved statistics shown in the progressbar (while requesting new data)
fixed unicode errors

Refurbished User-Interfaces for the JSON-View and the Node/Data-View
Tooltips for the buttons
Selective Exports (via node-selection; see the tooltip for the “Export”-Button)
simple File-Downloader (download pictures etc.)
New statusbar with more information, runtime-estimation
Multi-Threading for the data-collection (faster!)

Facebook & Twitter API Documentation (Tooltips)
complete list of available endpoints
parameter suggestion for each endpoint (showing available and mandatory params)

New API: Fetch data from the Twitter Streaming API


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