Mass Import – Import accounts from a text file in various formats
Check accounts [new] – Verify if your accounts are up and running
Refresh accounts [new] – Retrieve the number of channel views/videos from a specific YouTube account
Delete videos [new] – Mass delete all videos from an account, directly on YouTube
Multi threading [new] – All features (check, verify, delete) are multi threading. You can use up to eight threads at a time.
Easy to manage – Double-click on a campaign to assign accounts, double-click on an account to assign a proxy.
Proxy support – Manually assign or randomly assign proxies to selected accounts
Proxy scrapper [new] – Scrape thousands of proxies in seconds from various public proxy lists
Export – You can export valid accounts and their assigned proxies with ease
Proxy checker [new] – Check to see if the proxies are valid. If the proxies are broken, they won’t be used in MVB Pro.
Delete suspended accounts – Simple feature that will remove all disabled accounts from your MVB Pro accounts list.
Mass Import – Import accounts from a text file in various formats
Views [new] – Trace your views and see how your campaigns progress
Videos [new] – View the number of videos you had in a campaign (or all campaigns)
Deleted accounts [new] – Track the number of disabled accounts per days
Custom time frame [new] – Generate statistics on custom time frames (select a start and end date)
For individual campaign [new] – You can generate statistics for 1 campaign or for all your MVB pro campaigns
Easy navigation [new] – Navigate easy through your statistics with quick zoom and pan featuresAdding videos
Mass Import – Import accounts from a text file in various formats
Add from PC – Add video files from your PC and fill in title/description/tags
Mass import – Import videos from a text file using various formats
Mass import from MVD – Use Mass Video Downloader (bonus) to download files and then import them to Mass Video Blaster PROExport videos – Use custom formats while exporting, export what you want (title, link, original author, file, etc….)
Duplicate videos [new] – You can now duplicate a video multiple times with a single click
Move videos to other campaigns – If you think that the video does not fit your current campaign, simply move it to another one with this easy feature
On screen info – Always see how many videos you have in your list, and how many videos are ready for upload
Duplicate campaign [new] – Duplicate the entire campaign and upload it again to YouTube
Spin syntax – MVB Pro fully supports spyntax and nested spyntax like {Hello|Hi {Vlad|Alex}}Upload videos
Mass Import – Import accounts from a text file in various formats
Auto assign accounts [new] – Before uploading you can easily assign the accounts so you will know how the videos will be uploadedManually assign accounts – Right click on a video to assign manually an account to it
Multiple actions – Do multiple actions at a time (like, unlist, disable comments, add annotation, add captions)
Mutliple steps – Check, Assign and Upload. This are the three main action of the upload module.
Selected items – If you want, you can do actions only on selected items
Continous loop – If you have multiple campaigns, when MVB Pro finishes uploading one campaign, it will automatically move on to the nextSchedule [new] – You can now schedule videos or campaigns. You can tell MVB Pro to pick random dates when to upload/list/disable comments/add annotations/add captions.
More actions [new] – This is the list of actions that can be done in MVB Pro: check videos, assign accounts, upload videos, list, unlist, disable comments, disable ratings, add annotations, generate and add captions, change thumbnail.
Change thumbnail [new] – After the video is processed on YouTube MVB Pro can now change the thumbnail for a video