Using the bot is pretty simple. If you want to create accounts go to
the box that says Account Creator and enter a username and password
you’d like the accounts to have. Click on Signup which will then load
the register page in the web browser at the bottom of the program.Enter the captcha you see inside the web browser either directly inside
of it or below Enter Captcha. Once done either click on Submit Captcha
or the enter button in the web browser.All the accounts you make will be put in the text box under Accounts Created in this format username : password.
To upvote an article enter the details under the Upvoter box and click the checkbox and the login button.
signed in enter the article and click on Navigate to Article. The bot
will automatically upvote the article after loading it. You can then
manually log out inside the web browser and repeat the process for as
many accounts as you’d like.You can also use proxies if you want
to stay anonymous by clicking the check box that says Use Proxy and
putting in the text box below it the proxy in this format ip: port.Pretty simple
I hope you like the program and dont be afraid to rep or give thanks if you liked it.