Easy Digital Downloads Commissions v3.3.2 – Record commisions automatically for users in your site when downloads are sold.
This add-on allows you to easily record user commissions when a sale is made. Want to split revenue between multiple users and have all of the math and complicated aspects handled for you? This is exactly what this extension will provide for you.
Commissions v3.3.2 – Easy Digital Downloads is the perfect extension for sites that wish to create a marketplace system that allows users to receive earnings on a commission basis.
The extension includes several shortcodes as well:
- [edd_commissions] – displays a list of the commissions for the currently logged-in user
- [edd_commissioned_products] – displays a list of the products the user receives commissions on
- [edd_commissions_overview] – displays an overview of the sales and earnings for the currently logged-in user
- [edd_commissions_graph] – displays a filterable graph of earnings and sales for the user for a specific month and year