GravityForms User Registration v3.3 – Gravityforms Addon – Need to quickly allow users to register on your WordPress site? The User Registration Add-On for Gravity Forms makes registering users a breeze.
A Login widget is provided to quickly enable users to login via a sidebar widget after they register, or when they return to your WordPress site.
Are you looking for BuddyPress integration with custom profile fields? It does that too. Running a Multi-Site install and want instant site creation? We have you covered.
Seamless Integration
Automatically register WordPress users when a form is submitted.
Login Widget
Our Login Widget makes it easy for registered users to login via a widget you can place in any sidebar.
Notification Events
Send notification emails at pre-determined points in the user registration process such as when a user has been manually activated after registering.
Multi-Site Creation
Automatically create a new WordPress site in your Network associated with the user that is created.
BuddyPress Integration
Populate BuddyPress custom profile fields with form data.
User Meta
Populate user meta data and create custom user meta with form data.
PayPal Integration
When used with the PayPal Add-On you can configure your form to only create the user when PayPal has confirmed their payment.
GravityForms User Registration v3.3 – Gravityforms Addon Changelog
Version 3.3
– Added support for redirect_to query parameter for login/logout form.
– Added German translation. Credit: Dominik Horn – netzstrategen.
– Updated wp_new_user_notification() to be gf_new_user_notification() to avoid issues where users are attempting to override the same function. Users wishing to override this function can do so by defining their own version in a theme or plugin.
– Updated login widget interface.
– Updated login widget editor to restore previously active tab after save.
– Updated some strings on the feed settings page.
– Updated ‘Add Link’ string in Login widget to be translatable.
– Updated Chinese (China) translation. Credit: Edi Michael.
– Updated Spanish (es_ES) translation.
– Updated login widget to not use boolval().
– Fixed an issue with the PayPal integration with Gravity Forms 2.0.
– Fixed an issue where a PHP notice would appear when enqueuing scripts when not logged in.
– Fixed issue with login redirect URL not populating properly.
– Fixed an issue populating the Checkbox field when processing the update feed on form render.
– Fixed fatal error when using “user” shortcode in list output mode and meta value is not an array.
– Fixed textdomain for some strings.
– Fixed fatal error when using “user” shortcode in list output mode and meta value is not an array.