Flatsome v3.2.5 | Responsive WooCommerce Theme – We’re a WooCommerce-only company that loves eCommerce and WordPress . We want your shop to look amazing and be loved by your customers!
These are just some examples of what you can create with Flatsome using a simple Theme Option Panel. All of the colours, fonts, header and footer layouts etc. can be completely customised. Mix and match the options to get it looking just the way you want it! You can select these pre-defined styles by clicking the “Load preset” button in Theme Option panel.
Compatible with WordPress 4.7+ and WooCommerce 2.6 / 2.6+
Flatsome v3.2.5 Overview
- Free Lifetime updates!
- WordPress 4.6+ Ready
- WooCommerce 2.5, 2.6+ Ready
- WPML Ready (.po files included)
- SEO Optimized
- Drag and Drop Page Builder
- Online Documentation – http://flatsome.uxthemes.com/docs/
- Supports Chrome, Safari, Firefox, IE8+
- Catalog Mode Option (Hide cart and checkout functionality)
- Easy Updates using Envato WordPress Toolkit
- Child Theme included
- Demo content included! (xml file)
- PSD files and assets included
- SCSS files included! (Powered by Foundation CSS Framework)
Flatsome v3.2.5 | Responsive WooCommerce Theme Changelog
** Maintenance Update **
NEW: Option to set Visibility to hidden to temporary disable elements in UX Builder.
NEW: Option to Lazy Load Flatsome Icons (Fixes the “data:application/x-font-ttfAAAAAwAAAAAAAAAAAAA” optimize error from Pingdom)
NEW: Product List element added to UX Builder (Same style as Product Widgets.)
FIXED: Various PHP 7+ error notices.
FIXED: Possible to translate “Be the first to review…”
FIXED: Lists in texts had wrong align.
FIXED: My Account Dashboard links now looks better on mobile.
FIXED: Remove link from Logo element if no link is set.
FIXED: Better alignment of Language dropdown flags.
FIXED: Dropdown content size did not work on front-end.
FIXED: Google Rich Snippets on Product Page.
FIXED: Sale badge for Grouped products now gets “Sale” text.
FIXED: Login popup from lost-password page.
FIXED: Option to not open cart after product is added to cart now works.
Changed: Made it easier to override many of functions inside /inc folder in a Child Theme.
Changed: Back to Top button moved to template file (template-parts/footer/back-to-top.php)
Changed: Category filter button moved to template file (woocommerce/loop/filter-button.php)
Changed: Product page filter button moved to template file (woocommerce/single-product/filter-button.php)
Changed: Continue Shopping button moved to template file (woocommerce/cart/continue-shopping.php)
Changed: product-searchform.php moved into “woocommerce” folder.
Changed: Moved Flatsome Icons css to assets/css/fl-icons.css