Download Hotel Master v2.07 – Hotel & Hostel Booking WordPress Theme
Hotel Master v2.07 is the best hotel, resort, room reservation WordPress theme. It comes with the best room booking system. The system allows users to browse available rooms easily. In the middle of booking process, user can also change the parameter or re-choose the room smoothly with ajax feature so no page refreshing! We also create COUPON post type so you can create coupon code for your customers. In coupon setting, you’ll be able to set the coupon code, coupon amount, coupon expiration date, discount type as percentage or specific credit amount. This theme is also well designed for hotel and resort website. It comes with 2 different demos, white and dark style.
In V2.07, we put a big update. Now this theme also fully support hostel features. You can create dorm(or private room) and allow customer book per bed instead of per room. It also comes with better facilities management in the backend which allow you to add/remove facilities easily. Moreover, you can have unlimited seasonal pricing this time. And even more! you can now add your additional services and charge your customers.
Hotel Master v2.07 CHangelog
v2.07 22/03/2016
– fix wpml query compatibility
– fix time zone problem
– master slider