Download Home Planify v1.3 – WordPress Real Estate Theme
Home Planify – WordPress Real Estate Theme v1.3
Planify v1.3
Home Planify v1.3 is first and only niche theme on the market delicated to house plans companies. It offers multiple house plan listings layouts as well as multiple house plan single layouts, also a Premium Shop Responsive WordPress theme as a gift for our beloved customers. It can be used for large scale websites selling house plans, small simple websites and also for house building, house construction companies.
It has nice and clean design, comes loaded with many useful features, WPML plugin support, custom Widgets, easy but comprehensive theme options , Compatible with any RLT languages, and lots of mores…
In addition, Home Planify theme provides responsive layout with full width slider. It looks awesome on big screens as well as on tablets and smart phones. You can build custom layouts pages quickly and easily.
What’s more, in order to get long term relationship with our customers, we can also offer discount on Add ons of plugin Easy Property Listings, this is an attractive promotion has become a bigger deal than ever.
Its developers, our team also provide an excellent customization & maintenance services to support your long-term development and usage of the website to integrate with your printing business.
Planify v1.3 Changelog
– Update:
– Theme options for: Key word of search bar (home page), My account menu (Header)
– Latest plug-ins, jv sepl
– Fixed:
– Upload Logo
– Page with sidebar template
– Minor style contact icon