Social Login v1.7.5 – Easy Digital Downloads Allow your customers to login and checkout with social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Google, Yahoo, LinkedIn, Foursquare, Windows Live, VK.com and Instagram.
It has been proven countless times that the easier it is for a customer to create an account during checkout, the more likely they are to complete their purchase. This extension makes the Easy Digital Downloads checkout process another notch easier for customers that prefer to login via their favorite social networks.
Also includes a short code, [edd_social_login], that can be used to place the social login buttons on any page, as well as a widget that can be used in any widget area.
Social Login Features
- One click user account registration.
- Integrate your store’s customer accounts with Facebook, Twitter, Google, Yahoo, LinkedIn, Foursquare, Windows Live, VKontakte (VK.com) and Instagram.
- Make account access and checkout easy and seamless – customers don’t need to remember another username and password.
- Reduce friction for repeat purchases – customers typically stay signed into social networks, which means they sign back into your site with one click.
- Improve security and increase trust by using social sign-on
- Ability to sends newly created account details to user’s email.
- Auto Integrate on checkout page.
- Includes a short code, [edd_social_login], that can be used to place the social login buttons on any page, as well as a widget that can be used in any widget area.
- Ability to set custom redirect URL on which user will get redirected after they login with social media.
- Admin can change the order of social networks buttons by drag and drop.
- View number of sign-ups for each social network.
- Generate Pie graph for Social Networks Register Percentage.
- Offer to link accounts on the “My Account” page and “Order Received” page for easier checkout in the future.
- Social accounts are tied to a WordPress user account so that accounts can be accessed even if social accounts are unlinked.
- A clean & user friendly admin UI to manage everything.
What do studies say about social media logins?
- Over 77% of consumers prefer social login when using an eCommerce site.
- Social sign-in can therefore lead to increased conversion rates – here’s an example with over 10% increase.
- Customers prefer social sign-in for security and personalization.
- 90% of people have encountered social login before, and more than half of people use it.
Social Login v1.7.5 – Easy Digital Downloads Changelog
v1.7.5, July 28, 2016
Fixed compatibility with saving checkbox settings with EDD 2.6.5