Brama v1.4.1 is a new creative agency theme for WordPress . Brama v1.4.1 is ideal for creative agency/artist, fashion salon, architecture bureau or company/entrepreneur who wants to sell products online. Brama is designed to be minimal, strong, sleek, bold and incredibly smart.
Brama v1.4.1 Key Features:
- 100% WPML compatible
- WooCommerce 2.2.8 and up ready
- Localization support (*.po and *.mo files included)
- Dummy-data included
- Unique modern design
- 100% responsive and retina-ready design – from mobile to HD devices
- Ready for your brand: WordPress Color Picker + all accessible Google Fonts
- 2 Homepage styles – default (slideshow/video as background) and minimal (slideshow/video is under the curtain) + ability to display blog posts, portfolio posts, custom set of images or HTML5 video
- 3 Blog types: grid, classic and minimal. Ability to show categories and galleries on the main blog page
- 3 Portfolio sizes: large, medium, small
- Simple and ajax pagination on portfolio and blog pages
- Filterable portfolio + custom single post with project details
- Shortcode Generator included (slideshow, carousel, tabs, accordion, latest posts etc.)
- Unique parallax effects
- Sharing bar + integrated Facebook Open Graph and Twitter meta tags
- Infinite portfolio and blog
- Ability to split “portfolio”, “blog”, “team” or “services” page into separate pages by including categories
- Unlimited widget areas for menu, sidebar and footer
- Child themes support
- Intuitive and user-friendly options framework
- Hardware-accelerated slideshows with keyboard navigation and swipe support
- Unlimited slideshows on posts and pages
- Advanced Google Maps settings
- CSS3 powered
- Accurate and valid cross-browser code
- Optimized for “Contact Form 7” and “Category Thumbnails” (adds an ability to set up custom header for category archives) plugins out of the box
- Includes Fireform WP Gallery plugin that converts WordPress Gallery into seamless responsive masonry grid + responsive lightbox
- …and much more!
Brama v1.4.1 Changelog
[f] – feature added
[c] – changed
[b] – bug fixed
————– Brama v1.4.1 (30 September, 2015) ————–
[b] Fixed missing “Slideshow” meta box
brama/style.css (version updated)
Demo Brama v1.4.1 – Premium Agency Theme
Download Brama v1.4.1 – Premium Agency Theme
Download From UploadBoy.Com
Download From Uploaded.Net