WPLMS Learning Management System v2.2. It is an e-learning WordPress theme for course management, instructor and student management using which you can create and sell your courses online.
WPLMS Learning Management System is a Social Learning management system built on a Social platform called “BuddyPress”. The social networking features like Activity recording, User Groups , Private messaging, Notifications, Profiles & Custom profile fields are deep integrated within the theme. Other unique features include Course drive (course specific attachments), Course activities (Track everything that happens in a course), Front end Course creation (an easy to use front end interface for creating courses), Notes and discussion module (for easy student to instructor interaction). The architecture is fully scalable and WPLMS is being used in small to large scale web sites which have several hundred thousands users. Last but not the least with WPLMS Learning Management System v2.2 you get a dedicated team for your web site.
WPLMS Learning Management System v2.2 Changelog
v2.2 – [ 16th August’16]
* welcome changes
* Language Files
* read more in translations for index.php
* small image size in default header
* line height 1 for checkboxes
* Grid li initial
* app style header fixes
* Read more not in translation files in index.php
* z-index on fixed WooCommerce checkout bug fix
* Back to course button added on single forums
* Customiser colors fix
* Sitelock fix
* Single activity view in transparent header bug
* Directory course names in Uppercase fix
* customizer changes
* Students currently taking this course heading removed
* knob.js fixes
* page id in register and activation pages
* sitelock home url
* CSS/JS changes for mobile logo, member and course category carousel
* pre-populate upload type assignment
* Search background in transparent header fix
* Use deprecated UI for buddypress
* Customiser changes
* Mobile logo feature
* removed nprogress.js
* Start course page with page builder repeating twice issue
* do shortcode for taxonomy descriptions
* Site Lock new Homepage update
* single unit fixes
* style fixes for new buddydrive
* styling fixes
* Nav menu font size and family
* mega menu walker changes
* notice removal on buddydrive
* margin bottom in featured image on course
* directory grid css fixes
* span font sizeajax results fix
* opactiy on loading submit button
* My courses and Insturcting courses fix
* Bradcrumbs last / design issue
* Member carousel CSS
* Force tabs to text align center on responsive mode
* Mega Menu width js fix
* Pagination in MY courses
* Filter in course admin tabs
* updated language for News section
* removed excerpt from course header 3
* check isset action in buddydrive
* search in instructing courses
* my courses search fix
* customiser menu – Font sizes for header and menu
* Instructing courses loop fix
* Warning fixes for theme customiser settings
* Mega Menu Width option and compatibility with Nav Menu roles plugin
* favicon not displaying fix
* My courses fix
* excerpt removed above description in c5
* checkbox line height fix
* scrolltop color fixed to white
* Responsive mobile fixes
* minimal theme border fixes
* customizer fixes
* customiser fix for create course