YITH WooCommerce Wishlist v2.0.13 is one of the most useful feature of an e-commerce: on one side, it encourages users to come back, allowing products tracking they consider interesting until the purchase step. On the other, if users share their wishlist — to friends, or through social networks — this will enhance the sales and will help the promotion of you online business.
When we hear about “YITH WooCommerce Wishlist v2.0.13”, we think about a simple button that lets us save the product we are interested in in the e-commerce we are visiting, before a coming purchase. However, the wishlist is something more. Today the wishlist is a powerful marketing tool. Giving the opportunity to track users’ interests is useful, but it’s only the tip of the iceberg. What can really make the difference in conversions and amount of sales is without a doubt the freedom to share your own wishlist, even on social networks, increasing indirect sales: can you imagine the sales volume you can generate during holidays or birthdays, when relatives and friends will be looking for the wishlist of your clients to buy a gift? Moreover, you can send the wishlist to the administrator of the site to ask for a custom estimate on the concerned products.
But the most interesting feature is all about you. From now on, you will be free to observe your customers’ wishlists and to view the statistics about the most popular products in your shop. What does your average customer want concretely? What would happen if you sent a special discount for the purchase of the most requested product? And by basing it on this, you could create ad hoc promotions and discounts to loyalize the customers and encourage them to buy the product they like.
YITH WooCommerce Wishlist v2.0.13 Changelog
= v2.0.13 – Released: 17/12/2015 =
* Added check over adding_to_cart event data existance in js procedures
* Added compatibility with YITH WooCommerce Email Templates
* Added ‘yith_wcwl_added_to_cart_message’ filter, to customize added to cart message in wishlist page
* Added ‘yith_wcwl_action_links’ filter, to customize action link at the end of wishlist pages
* Added nofollow to “Add to Wishlist” links, where missing
* Added ‘yith_wcwl_email_share_subject’ filter to customize share by email subject
* Added ‘yith_wcwl_email_share_body’ filter to customize share by email body
* Added function “yith_wcwl_count_all_products”
* Fixed plugin-fw loading