ImagePress 5.4.1 has been released! Read the official announcement here.
Build a user-powered image gallery with frontend capabilities, author profiles, portfolios and collections.
The new ImagePress will be able to create standalone websites, like CGSociety, ArtStation, DrawCrowd, LayerPaint, 3DTotal, Blender Cookie or Poster Spy.
The level of customization will include colours, fonts, templates, dimensions and switchable features. No two websites will be the same.
- See client site here – http://posterspy.com/
- See demo site here – http://getbutterfly.com/work/publisher/ (create a free account and upload images)
Short Summary
ImagePress is a WordPress plugin used to generate user galleries. Users can upload image, categorize them, tag them and add a small description. Images are grouped into separate sortable and filterable galleries.
Some of the features of ImagePress include:
- Image upload
- Image editing
- Image variants, detail shots, progress shots (à la Behance)
ImagePress generates user profiles, user portfolios and user cards. Also, the plugin allows for frontend login, registration and password forgotten forms.
Some of the features include:
- Author profiles, custom avatars, cover images (à la Facebook)
- Frontend profile editing
- Frontend registration and login
- Author portfolios (white-labeled, unbranded, custom template pages)
- Custom slugs (/profile/, /u/, /p/, /i/, etc)
ImagePress is able to create standalone websites, like CGSociety, ArtStation, DrawCrowd, LayerPaint, 3DTotal, Blender Cookie or Poster Spy.
The level of customization includes colours, fonts, templates, dimensions and switchable features. No two websites will be the same.