WooCommerce PDF Vouchers v2.9.5 allows you to sell voucher codes that can then be redeemed at a physical location. This is perfect for stores that wish to sell tickets to events, discount codes for on-site pickup, class admission tickets and more. You can give your customers the ability to set a recipient name, email, and message to purchase these vouchers as a gift or for themselves.
With the PDF Vouchers Extension, You can create unlimited vouchers, either for Local Businesses / Local Stores or even online stores.
- Easy to setup and use.
- Connect Your Business and Online Store with Customizable PDF Vouchers.
- Can be customized for each product.
- Add a custom Logo to the PDF.
- Add custom redeem instructions to the PDF.
- Add unlimited locations to the PDF where the voucher can be redeemed.
- Ability to add Buyer’s name, Buyer’s Email, Product Name, Product Price, Quanity, Sku, OrderId, Order Date etc to the PDF.
- Allows you to generate unlimited unique codes without the need to provide them.
- Allow to import codes via csv.
- Allows to enter voucher codes manually, as comma separated list.
- Ability to restrict codes to be used only one time.
- Ability to use codes unlimited times.
- Detailed report about all purchased voucher codes and used voucher codes.
- Ability to export a list of all purchased voucher codes as PDF and CSV as well. This includes the complete customer details.
- Ability to create unlimited voucher templates with Drag & Drop interface.
- Ability to assign vendor users to voucher product.
- Send Emails to Vendors when their voucher get sold out.
- Ability to check voucher code is Valid or not for vendors.
- Added support of QRcode and Barcode for vouchers.NEW
- Supports using vouchers with variable products.
- Allow your customers to personalize their vouchers on the store’s frontend to create attractive and unique gifts by selecting from several alternative voucher templates and adding a recipient name and/or message, and use the recipient email field to send the voucher as a gift via email.NEW
- Ability to set vendor’s logo, website URL, locations etc at vendor level.
- Added support for the WooCommerce Bookings plugin.
- Added support for the WC Vendors plugin.
- Create gift certificates with variable amounts by using the Pay Your Price extension NEW
Connect Your Business and Online Store with Customizable PDF Vouchers
While virtual gift certificates are great, they limit many business owners who want certificates that can be redeemed at a physical location. Tired of the disconnect between selling online and your on-the-ground business? The PDF Vouchers extension solves this problem for you! Now you can customize and sell downloadable PDF vouchers for products such as tours, events, classes, and lessons; the possibilities are endless!
WooCommerce PDF Vouchers is perfect for businesses that accept orders or payment online but provide a good or service at a later date or in person. Need vouchers for pre-paid admission to your cooking class? PDF Vouchers can do that for you! PDF vouchers also make an attractive gift for customers to purchase for their friends and family, and can be personalized with a recipient name and message.
WooCommerce PDF Vouchers v2.9.5 – WordPress Plugin Changelog
v2.9.5 – (2016-12-09)
* [+] Added support to display product title in Voucher Pdf.
* [*] Resolved issue for coupon code generation when product is downloadable.