VisualLine Visual Composer Timeline Addons Pack v1.4.0 is a Timeline Collection for WordPress and works as an Add-ons for Visual Composer, there are four different plugins inside the pack. All are Responsive and Bootstrap compatible.
VisualLine Visual Composer Timeline Addons Pack v1.4.0 Available Features
- Visual Composer
- Responsive
- Bootstrap
- Major events
- Events
- Ending events
- Vertical layout
- Horizontal layout
- Canvas Pointer
- Canvas Drawing
- Bootstrap Grid system
VisualLine Visual Composer Timeline Addons Pack v1.4.0 Update Log
Version 1.4.0
Added 2 new line model, bubble line and snake line
Reduce memory footprint when building timeline and memory line
Fix memory line got switched to horizontal mode on ipad potrait mode
Fix couple of bug in history line
Added new shortcode for simple history line