Full Cal v1.0 addon for eventON brings you an amazing traditional calendar grid that is seamlessly blend in with our minimal design direction.
What makes Full Cal v1.0 special
Full Cal v1.0 addon is not just a grid, it is filled with neat features that makes it an amazing grid calendar addition to your eventON calendar.
Full Cal v1.0 – EventOn Addon Plugin Changelog
v1.0 (2015-12-10)
ADDED: Ability to show first 3 event names when hover over date
ADDED: Option to choose event count & names for hover information
ADDED: Slightly modified minimal layout design
FIXED: compatibility with eventon 2.3.13
FIXED: if load full month of events below set, honor when switching months
FIXED: grid ux opening as lightbox to be able to close from clicking outside