SearchWP v2.7.2 was built to be a plugin you can install and fully utilize instantly after activating. It was also designed to accommodate developers in every way possible, allowing for very fine-grained control & customization.
Search is the fastest way for your visitors to find content. Take advantage.
Instant setup & integration
Just install and activate. SearchWP automatically replaces WordPress native search using your existing results template.
Index PDF content automatically
Index the PDFs within your Media library, allowing visitors to find content from those documents in your site search.
Search everything
Pick and choose the post types, taxonomies, and custom fields used for searches. Use weights to adjust result priority.
Developer friendly, automatic updates
SearchWP’s hooks allow you to customize SearchWP even further. Get automatic updates just like your other plugins.
Multiple search engines
Easily create supplemental search engines alongside global search to easily faciliate section-specific searching.
Extensions & statistics
New extensions are added all the time. Keep an eye on search stats so you can react to what your visitors are looking for.
SearchWP v2.7.2 – Instantly Improve WordPress Search Changelog
– **[Improvement]** Better handling of native search query
– **[Fix]** Fixed a case where `searchwp_show_conflict_notices` was not respected
– **[Fix]** Fix PHP Warning (`Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /wp-includes/query.php on line 4890`)