Download Newspaper v6.7 – WordPress News Theme
Newspaper v6.7
Newspaper v6.7 Nulled WordPress Theme
Newspaper v6.7 is a WordPress theme that lets you write articles and blog posts with ease. We offer great support and friendly help!
The Newspaper template is excellent for a news, newspaper, magazine, publishing or review site. It also supports videos from YouTube and features a rating system. So far, we have the theme integrated with bbPress Forum, BuddyPress, Buddy Press, and WooCommerce. It uses the best clean SEO practices, and on top of that, it’s fast, simple, and easy to use. In addition, Newspaper supports responsive Google Ads and AdSense.
Newspaper v6.7 Changelog
v6.7 – March 17th, 2016
- new: Visual Composer plugin updated to the latest version 4.11
- new: Revolution Slider plugin updated to the latest version 5.2.2
- fix: Theme Panel fixed the structure for categories that have multiple branches(subcategories with their own subcategories)
- fix: Visual Composer 4.10 – Video Player resize problem for aspect ratio 4:3 and 2.35:1
- fix: removed some old Visual Composer detection code from td_wp_booster_functions.php, it was causing an error in certain cases
- fix: improved the Visual Composer detection code inside the default page template file, it was triggered when the shortcodes didn’t have unique names(ex. Woocommerce shortcodes)
- improvement: Authors box widget/block – added user roles option, now you can set it to display only the desired role(s) – https://codex. WordPress .org/Roles_and_Capabilities
- other: to keep the theme size under 8MB we removed the Revolution Slider install from the Newspaper->Plugins section. You have to install it manually – http://forum.tagdiv.com/how-to-install-revolution-slider-v5/
- other: removed unused code from “page-pagebuilder-title.php” template file