Ultimo v2.3.0 is a premium Magento theme with advanced admin module. It’s extremely customizable, easy to use and fully responsive. Suitable for every type of store, optimized for SEO. Great as a starting point for your custom projects.
No coding needed, all can be edited directly in admin panel. Select colors of dozens of elements using color pickers, set hundreds of options, apply textures for header, footer and for the entire page, upload background image and configure its properties (position, repeating, attachment), change font and font-size, and many many more…
Ultimo is optimized for all screen resolutions. If you resize web browser window, theme elements will be transformed smoothly on each breakpoint (from 240 to 1680 pixels) in order to adapt to the current screen size. Width of the page is fluid – theme uses 100% of available space (below specified maximum width) to display content [demo3]. But you can also disable fluid width – in that case page width will change on breakpoints and will not take entire available space.
Ultimo v2.3.0 – Fluid Responsive Magento Theme Changelog
v2.3.0 (Magento 2) – November 2, 2016
add custom static block inside the top header in mobile view (custom static block can be added through Magento widgets to the container named “Page Mobile Header, Top”). Content of the block can be aligned left, right or centered.
restored two built-in static blocks “block_header_top_left” and “block_header_top_right” (they were removed in earlier version). These blocks are automatically displayed in the top header.
design of toolbar and pager buttons in category view. Colors for these elements can be applied through admin panel.
display of products list in the “list” mode in category view. It’s now similar to theme version for Magento 1: “Add to cart” button and price is displayed in a column at the right side.
display of “select all” button in the heading of the related products block on product page
position of “Sign Up” link on checkout page
removed “add to” links from bundle product configuration summary block on product page
blocks in the footer and blocks in the sidebars are collapsed in mobile view
correct product images are displayed (instead of Magento placeholder image) in Featured Products slider when enabling “Keep Image Aspect Ratio” option under Configuration > Theme Settings > Product Slider
dropdowns of currency switcher and store view switcher work correctly on iOS
when a static block is added through Magento widgets to one of the top header containers (e.g. “Page Header, Top, Left” container), it is displayed on correct position. In previous version, each block added through widgets was displayed in a separate line which could split the top header into a few lines.
top menu dropdowns are not overlapped by menu links
store view switcher (language switcher) switches the store view permanently, not only on the current page. Also, page URLs are correctly translated when switching the language.
in IE10 page content doesn’t overlap the footer when page is longer than height of viewport
product page:
if product collateral data blocks on product page are displayed as vertically stacked blocks (i.e. tabs are disabled), the blocks are now displayed correctly and don’t overlap each other
product image magnifier doesn’t overlap dropdowns of the top menu
product ratings (stars) don’t overlap product image magnifier
number of existing product reviews in the product collateral data block is now displayed inside brackets, e.g. “Reviews (3)”
when product listings are displayed inside primary column, the font size of product price inside product listings is not oversized