Get News Domain Sniper 1.0

News Domain Sniper 1.0

  • Name : News Domain Sniper
  • Version : 1.0
  • OS : Windows
  • Type : expired domains Tools
  • Price : $50
  • Homepage : SalePage

Get Your Site On “Top of Google” Get Powerful Domains Having Backlinks From “News and Magazine Sites”
Using NEWS DOMAIN SNIPER Our Customers Were Able To Find HQ News Site Backlinked Expired Domains In Minutes…
News Domain Sniper is a software designed to allow you to find high-leverage expired domains having backlinks from authoritative news sites, such as BBC, CNN, Forbes, Huffington Post, EHow, WikiHow, and many more by finding expired domains that have fallen off the map, but rich with backlink value.

These high authority sites are very difficult to get editorial links from, or would normally cost an arm and leg to get access to.

NDS software allows you to find expired domains that are unregistered within the last 20 years. Basically, News Domain Sniper is like a map to unlimited amounts of buried treasure to boost your rank on google.

We have done all of the “dirty work”, analyzed thousands and thousands of expired domains, and built a massive, searchable data list including all 7 metrics, to make your job that much easier.


  • Building backlinks doesn’t have to be difficult : With News Domain Sniper innovative software, you have access to thousands and thousands of quality domains with quality backlinks on all sorts of topics, and best of all, you can manually sort through them to find the relevant domains you need. With detailed metrics and simple search tools, you can find exactly what you need in minutes instead of hours.
  • Domains Don’t Need to Drain Your Wallet : Another approach people take to acquiring domains is to bid in GoDaddy auctions. While you can find quality domains there, it will usually cost you $150-$200 per domain. That is if you can even win the auction. Bidding in auctions is a science of it’s own, after all. If you go to a broker to buy domains, you can usually go ahead and multiply your cost by 5-10, paying way too much for backlinks. Why get burnt on domains when you can find them just as easily with News Domain Sniper, at a fraction of the price? News Domain Sniper is the smart man’s tool for ranking number 1 on Google. Let the rest compete to buy expensive domains and get ripped off by brokers who are just scalping and price gouging. Time to do things the smart way.
  • Finding Domains with High Citation Flow and Trust Flow : How many hours have you wasted by searching through domains looking for good metrics? Mind-numbing manual labor is probably not your favorite thing to do. Luckily, there is a better way. News Domain Sniper has a built-in search tool to help you discover domains with the most important metrics for your task. Now you can spend less time tediously searching through domains, and more time ranking your site or your clients’ sites #1 on Google. We’ve already analyzed all the metrics and built an extensive list, which if you bought through a broker would cost around $10,000 to get your hands on.
  • We’ve Removed the Middleman : The difference between News Domain Sniper and similar offerings is that other services will find the links and sell them to you at a premium raking in your cash in the process. We put the power into your hands, so you can find the domains you need, hassle free, and get on with your business. Aren’t you tired of paying out the ear for quality backlinks, and spending endless hours sifting through data to try to find the elusive domains with all the right metrics? We know we were, and that’s exactly what inspired News Domain Sniper, and now we’re passing the secret on to you.

News Domain Sniper 1.0

News Domain Sniper 1.0

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